Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where have I been????

I am not lost, and I have been very busy sewing. I made this for my best friend in the world for her Christmas present. The problem was she only got it about a month ago. She loves aprons as much as I do and asked me to make her one in bright colors. Her daughter went with me to pick out the material and waa laa!!! I love it.

Really I sort of lost my mojo for a while. I have been piecing pieces for future quilts and I have been crocheting. As a matter of fact, I have crocheted one blanket and am over half way done with two more. I will post pics later. My computer has been giving me some trouble, and my laptop blew up. Things have really been wild. I tried to cut back on working so much to have more time to sew, and I think everyone I know was waiting for me to do this so they could give me a list of what they wanted me to do. I am finishing all past projects and starting on things for me or things I want to do for someone. I hope ya'll are fine. Today is is beautiful here. I wanted to get out in the yard, but we had lots of rain last night and it is to wet. I will not stay away so long this time. I plan to get my pics downloaded this weekend and get back on a regular basis. Take care. Be healthy, happy, and safe. Hug the ones you love, and most of all----May GOD bless ya'll!!!!